The Coopérative d’Initiatives Jeunes (CIJ) is a public interest cooperative established in Corsica. The cooperative is implementing an educational project to the cooperation focusing their actions mostly in disadvantaged suburbs, and in particular in the neighborhoods defined as “sensitive urban areas” that are often presented as territories that combine difficulties. Its program permits to youth – aged between 16 to 25 years old (disadvantaged youths, NEETs, apprentices) to initiate themselves to their own cooperative, offering services to the district’s population. Youth services CIJ introduces people to the democratic functioning of a company, to the collective organization of labor, cooperative management and operation of the market. Youth people are supported by facilitators, supported by a local committee which brings together professionals in employment, VET centers, cooperatives, actors of social and solidarity economy sector. CIJ is developing new approaches to empower disadvantage young to take control of their own destiny through the development of a strong sense of initiative and entrepreneurship (SIE) and become a part of the society. Finally, CIJ empowers disadvantage young people to take control of their own destiny through the development of a strong sense of initiative. |
Creative Ideas (Latvia) was established in 2011 and has grown to over 40 members. Creative Ideas specializes in education, culture, society integration, and rural development. They organise training, creative workshops, exhibitions and competitions, prepare training materials and conduct research. Creative Ideas has involved more than 1000 persons in various activities, introduced Latvians to other countries and cultures and helped more than 500 migrants to integrate in Latvia. It works in Riga, the capital city of Latvia, and Balvi town, which is located in North East of Latvia nearby the external border of the European Union. Creative Ideas is a member Civic Alliance–Latvia. |
ISON PSYCHOMETRICA exists since 1991 and was the first organisation to provide training and scientific career orientation service in Greece. It is a knowledge-intensive SME, with strong international activity. It specializes in: the construction, validation, standardization, computerization, publication and use of team and individual behaviour & performance diagnostic tools, with emphasis in psychometric tests, career counselling for adolescents, students, NEETs and mature unemployed, conducting trainings relevant to its expertize, including soft skills development and entrepreneurship, and participation in EC funded programs aiming at the enhancement of employability and social inclusion. |
D’EP, the acronym in Catalan of the Institute of Studies and Professions, was created in 1995 to respond to two lines of work: one, academic and professional guidance, and the other, sociological research, with a strong emphasis on the fields of education, training and the world of work, later opening up to other social and public policy areas. D’EP Institut has two strategic areas: D’EP Studies, which performs sociological research, consulting and services related to the obtaining, management and dissemination of information; and D’EP Educational Projects and Guidance, which provides academic and professional guidance services, educational marketing, assessment in the educational field, as well as accompaniment in educational projects |
The private primary school “Ellinoagliki Agogi” is located in Maroussi, in the northern suburbs of Athens. It was founded in 1970 and today lists about 600 students. Our school walks in the coordinates of a modern, experiential and creative space of learning and education starring the child. Only if our children experience daily a diverse place of learning but at the same time a place of joy, of vitality and warmth then their formation into sensitized and active citizens of tomorrow can be launched. In our school, students receive a multifaceted education with enhanced english language teaching hours, with art, theater, sports activities and of course courses that incorporate new technologies. |
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi (PL) —
The university focuses on creativity, the development of entrepreneurial skills among students. They created and applied an innovative teaching methodology called “The Technology of Creativity”, which is based on the project method and encourages students to plan their activities during the course of study. The FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE has experience in developing innovative teaching methods, research in the field of education and the implementation of new teaching methods. Akademie high schools will also have a school role |